
Whimsical Purpose

Crisis of Meaning, Purpose Uncovering, and Gamifying Life

embody the sense of a calling that lasts
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Western cultures believe we must be alive for a purpose. 

This search for meaning has become such a widespread trope, that more and more people report feeling lost and unfulfilled. 

But how come according to Tao, purposelessness is a good thing, and according to most of us, lacking a sense of purpose can be a source of crippling anxiety? 

In this 2-hour-long workshop, we will explore the following:

  • How is purpose embedded in us biologically, psychologically, and culturally;
  • What is the cause of the current 'Crisis of Meaning'
  • Ways of finding your purpose that actually work (and why Ikigai or Simon Sinek's WHY exercise don't do the job);
  • The biggest mistakes people do when purpose-searching;
  • Ways of gamifying your quest for purpose.
Keywords for the curious: (eco) heroine's journey > hero's journey. How storytelling shaped cultures. What Plato and Alexander the Great can teach us about purpose. The dangers of post-modernism and existentialist nihilism. Finding purpose with help of nature. Mythos and imagination. Making your search for your calling a game, engaging your inner child. Somatics and purpose embodiment. Gene keys. Purpose-surfing. 

Who is it for?

Dreamers, introverts, gentle souls, deep feelers, indigos, earhlings, kindred spirits, disguised faeries and angels, seekers, explorers, sensuous beings, poets, creatives, readers, wild-hearted, mystics.

How is this different?

I won't lie to you: purpose is not a thing that you find in 120 minutes.

But what can be done in that time is gaining a deep and nuanced understanding of why we feel such an urge to understand our purpose and the meaning of life, how we are conditioned to experience it, how it developed through time, and in what ways different cultures perceive it.  

We will explore different ways of healing our relationship with purpose; learn how to embody it, integrate it, observe it, and let it evolve through life; and explore fun mythos-infused ways of going on the quest for the purpose (because we've all already done our Ikigais and Golden Circles and had 100 of readings done, yet we still cannot really FEEL the purpose in our day-to-day life, can we?)

By the end of the workshop, you will be equipped with the understanding and tools to dive deep into purpose exploration that is relevant to your unique situation without the feeling of pressure.


Check out the program Pinterest moodboard to see what kind of an atmosphere we'll be conjuring.

How much?

Standard price 
30 €
for the unemployed, students, marginalized groups, global south
40 €
standard price for people with a steady income
50 €
for those with savings and stable sense of financial security. you'll be covering the 10 € for somebody from the first group.
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Frequently Asked Qs

What materials do I get?

Recording, worksheet, slides, and links to extra resources and references.

I'm pretty advanced with my personal development. What can this give me?

Mythos-infused exploration of your personality, soul, and purpose is a whole new like of work that I have been slowly bringing to life for years of exploring the a wide spectrum of fields that are usually not included in healing and personal development journeys. This workshop introduces completely new tools and approaches (some signature, others adapted) that will enrich your existing knowledge and deepen your explorations to a level you most likely haven't touched before.

What's up with the pricing?

I've opted for the sliding scale pricing of the Standard package to account to make the workshop more accessible. The lowest price point is dedicated to anybody in a disadvantaged position who wouldn't be able to attend otherwise (the unemployed, students, people of the Global South, and marginalized groups ...). The middle price point is the standard price, whereas the highest price point is meant for people who can afford the workshop for themselves and would like to pay it forward to somebody from the low price point category. If you can, I warmly encourage you to do so.

Nobody will be checking whether you truly fall into one category or another, I trust your sovereignty and integrity.


Feel free to request a refund if you are not satisfied with the quality of the workshop within 14 days of the purchase
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The kind words
Meet the facilitator
Masha Mazi is a corpo-escapee who left giants like Porsche and United Nations to serve boutique values-led brands and heal her body, mind, and soul. She has served and co-created more than 70 projects and continues to help build purpose-led brands in the space of well-being, spirituality, and sustainability. As a 6/2 emotional manifestor, she is here to initiate your transformation. Most of her free time exploring the outdoors, reading about deep ecology, and cultivating a space for slow living and rewilding.

Join us for a warm gathering of earthlings and gentle souls who, just like yourself, wish to enchant their lives.

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Masha Mazi started the personal project Story Alchemist to explore the intersection of spiritual ecology, soul searching, branding and business strategy, and rewilding. 
Ⓒ Story Alchemist, a project of Maša Mazi s. p.